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Will China The Next ?

6/22/2014 @ 7:24

A , in blunt , last week about the of a in , in China’s . There, China Power Corp., a state , will soon and a with two 1,750 by Areva, the . de is the , about 80 miles west of Hong Kong, and is a 30% owner of the .


Each of the units will have twice the of the and will be the in the world. The , as the units are known, have not been put into . China’s EPRs are to go next year, well units in and , now under .

The EPRs in are about four years . In China, there have been , but , $8.3 , is than the or .

Is the quick pace in China a good or bad sign? “It’s not easy to know what is at the site,” [said](/news/2014-06-18/---says- china--.html) of ’s . “We don’t have a with the on EPR like we have with the .” ’s those of Jamet, a .

“, isn’t at a level we would wish it to be,” he told this , to the .

Not is a , . Areva Chief tells us China’s “is .”

could be , but it have far too much to do. “One of the for the in our is that the lack means,” Jamet said. “They are .”

To their , , in the wake of the March 2011 in Japan, for and of both under and in . Yet now China is in full-steam-ahead mode, and have to be . At the , 28 of the [72 under in the world](/PRIS// ntry.aspx) are in China, and is about to issue . No is more at this time. -place is only 10.

Not only are in China, they are to them. The first is , which is an model that will be the first of its kind. are that the , based on a and built with parts, will ’s 20 .

And China has that go far , its -old . state will take up to a 40% in Point C, a with two EPR to be built in the of , near . And last week [ an ](world-- /NP-UK--paves-way-for---plant-.html) with China to allow that ’s to build, own, and - power in . Three state are also of in , , South , and .

Many think will . “China has all the for in power ,” [says](//china-///3-- state-firms--build---) Kim Young-joon of law firm , Tweed, & . “It has , , and deep .”

China has the money, but its is , at least to . have few in the 22 years China has been from the atom, but it is not clear they have told us . “The of China’s are a total black box,” says Lai of The , a think tank in Hong Kong. “China has no .”

, China’s three would be thin by an push. They the full “” of post- and do not have even for the phase. It is, , they can the for their full-court press .

Even at home, there are big marks. Li Yulun, a vice of China Corp., [has ](//china-///china- -plant-delay---) that on do not share ’s on . , the State has about the pace of in China. China, we have to , is the where gets built ahead of , but “tofu” fall down, new , and just-laid train warp.

So why are not their when the call to talk about ? Maybe they’re , as Jamet, the , . And maybe there are at the plant that don’t want to talk about. From what we know, has had its share of . For , a a visit last year saw steam and pumps not “at an level.”

Or maybe ’s are the that seems to . We can only as to the does not want to talk about .

Yet we can be sure is wrong, so we have to be that there could be in our , in China or at a plant soon to be built .




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